Who we are

Entrepreneurial mindset

We built Miss Moneypenny Technologies with hard work, great ideas, a bit of good instincts and lot’s of drive and grit

We believe in lifelong learning and we are entrepreneurs. We take risks, we make things happen fast and we acquire new fancy skills on the way.

Our entre-preneurial spirit drives us

We believe diversity fuels innovation and fun

We have a learning mindset - we keep growing

We deliberately take on big tasks

Because rising to the occasion means we evolve - and we love that feeling. This includes realizing our potential on an individual level as well as empowering each other as a team. We want to look back at where we were a year ago and marvel at what we have achieved together.

We live a can-do attitude

We don't only identify problems, we always go past that step, identify possible solutions and see ourselves as an integral part of that solution.

Each of us are necessary to make Miss Moneypenny Tech successful. Our strength and resilience very much lies in our different viewpoints and our ability to cover each others blind spots and accelerate each other's super powers. We celebrate each other's talents and abilities and we are always looking for new exciting talents to complement us.

Culture & Values

A job we can dance to like no one is watching

Yes, we are highly professional and our clients love us for it. But we are also a bit weird (don’t worry, our clients already know)